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Faith & Practice

The following beliefs and scriptures drive our approach in biblical counseling:


  • We present Christ without shame, lovingly confronting sin, and teaching biblical principles in order to produce maturity in the life of the counselee, always seeking to provide comfort for the wounded as well. Colossians 1:28

  • We hold to the reality that Scripture, according to 2 Peter 1:3, is fully sufficient in all matters of the human experience, all matters of life and faith.

  • We define biblical counseling as the Christ-centered, Bible-based, Holy Spirit-empowered, practical and therapeutic [restorative] application of properly interpreted Biblical truths to a person’s life through nurture, instruction, correction, and prayer, with the goal of personal maturity and fruitfulness as an authentic Christian.

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Biblical counseling is based on the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of the Word of God.


To safeguard against misguided and unbalanced practices of counseling which may be labeled “biblical,” some standards of practice need to be established.​ Accordingly, Grace Matters’ counselors are required to affirm and agree to the following:


  • I affirm and agree that the Scriptures are fully sufficient, through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, to address all of humanity’s needs in all matters of life and faith (2 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, my counseling methods, practices, and techniques will be based upon the clear biblical principles and categories, and not upon theories of personality, model of man, psychotherapies, or philosophies derived from secular sources (1 Corinthians 3:19).

  • I affirm and agree that all mankind is in need of personal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. If those I counsel do not possess this salvation, a primary objective of my counseling must be clear, Spirit-led communication of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (Romans 3:23, 6:23; Matthew 28:19-20).

  • I affirm and agree to counsel and teach the Supremacy of Jesus Christ in order to lead counselees away from a humanistic focus on self and to a proper focus on Him (Luke 9:23; Romans 12:1-2).


  • I affirm and agree to honor the sanctity of life, marriage, and family as articulated throughout the Scriptures, and to do my utmost when counseling to reinforce these truths (Psalm 139:13-14; Genesis 2:24; Malachi 2:16; Proverbs 23:25; Colossians 3:20).


  • I affirm and agree that, as God empowers me, I will live my life and conduct my relationships in godliness and holiness before Him, with the goal of living out the truths that I am teaching (Philippians 2:12-13).

  • I affirm and agree with the spiritual authority delegated to the Church by Christ, who is its Head. I will evidence this by my involvement in a local church fellowship and by teaching those whom I counsel to involve themselves in a local church fellowship as well, thus working in concert with the Church rather than in competition against it (Hebrews 10:25).

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Our Mission

To equip and provide Biblically-consistent discipleship, and life transformation through one-on-one day-to-day individual and community mentoring.  As a community of mentors, Biblical counselors, educators, and fellow Christ-followers, Grace Matters will train and inspire others through and for the work of ministry, mentoring, and service to cultivate freedom from poverty, trauma, and other oppression cycles to enrich a healthy community living in Clark County, WA.

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1400 NE 136th Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98684

© 2024 Grace Matters Ministries, a 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit | EIN 81-22404

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